Poker is a card game that ages back to the 16th century. It’s roots and inspiration have been acquired from the Germans who used to call it “Pochen” and people from different parts of the world addressed and made various versions of this card game. It was also called “Poque” and “Stud” famously. It was a very casual game per se but turns out, with passing time it has garnered a cult of its own. From West to East, young and old, online or in casinos, this game is here to stay. In short, Poker is a game for people with a lucky hand and sharp decisive skills.
Poker can turn ugly when the betting scenario is incorporated and it’s famously known to be played to earn millions. On the downside, if one has the capability of making a million bucks so is the consequence of the other losing it. As any other game, this one also has it’s set of rules. Let’s get into the basics of how to play bandarqq.
-It is a one/two pack game i.e deck of 52 cards or 2 decks of 52 cards with contrasting colors.
-Generally, Poker hand consists of 5 cards. The scoring is of utmost importance. One should be vigilant enough to make a call as to when and which card to trade.
Here’s a list of cards and the values that they hold:
Five/four/three of a kind, flush/straight flush, full hand, two/one/no pair etc. to name some.
-One should also use highly decisive skills to gauge the betting heat. Betting can be done by anyone but when to bet is where the knack lies.
-Poker being a multiplayer game has poker chips in play as well. Players are to buy the chips before the start of the game and trade with the chips.
-Limits is another point that has to be noted. Limits also have types under it and this has to do mostly with the betting limit. To quote some types: Fixed limit, pot limit and no limit.
Poker is a game played worldwide with the rules differing from place to place. It is played online for fun, with online cash points. The real deal is the casinos that have a dedicated poker room. Here is where betting plays a major role and cash is traded. This game is looked at with passion and enthusiasm by some and pure gush of adrenaline for the others who intend to earn quick money. The mantra to master this game is smart investment, decisive power and a tad bit of luck.